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My Afrikaanse boek JESUS CHRISTUS in GENESIS, soos hieronder, is nou beskikbaar in hardeband. Hier regs op die blad is daar ook 'n skakel na 'Free PDF downloads'. Dit is vir dieselfde traktaatjie: Hoe om in die hemel te kom, in verskeie tale. Ek het nie die traktaatjies 'geskryf' nie - net WOORD bymekaargegroepeer. God se Woord praat duideliker as my mensetaal. Kyk daarna en as jy daarvan hou, laai dit af op jou rekenaar en laat dit druk. So ook die 10 Bybelstudies, meer geskoei op die nood van andersdenkende godsdiensgroepe. Dan is daar ook skakels na die onderskeie kinderboeke wat ek die afgelope tyd geskryf het. Die Here se seën en nabywees elke dag vir jou lewe.

Sad blue-bell and delightful daisy

 Sad Bluebell and Delightful Daisy

Delightful daisy and friends help Bluebell to be happy



Delightful Daisy hates to see Blue Bell so miserable. She wants to comfort her friend. She talks to her and encourages her ever so often.

Turn your petals to the sun, Blue Bell,” she calls. “It is a beautiful day. The sun shines warmly and the wind blows gently through the grass making them dance from left to right. Come, dance with us and dance with the grass, we want to be your friends!”


Age group 4-10

A book that will help kids to help their friends in trouble. Delightful Daisy and Bella Butterfly did not stop encouraging Bluebell until she understands that she also can be happy.

Price R130 plus delivery

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